Tuesday, November 18, 2008


this is a story about single parent child.. really touching..


為了照顧好孩子飲食三餐的事,我也無力把自己的工作做好。有一天晚上回到家,我只是很簡短地和孩子打個招呼,就因為身體疲累,不想吃晚餐,脫掉西裝之後就直接往床上躺下。就在那個時候,砰的一聲,紅色的湯汁跟泡麵瞬時弄髒了床單和被單,原來有碗泡麵在棉被裡!這小子真是的,說時遲那時快,我即時拿起一個衣架,跑出去,往正玩著玩具的兒子的屁股就打,因為我實在是太生氣了,所以不停地打他。但就在這個時候,他邊啜泣邊說了一段話,使我停了下來。兒子告訴我說:「飯鍋裡的飯早上已經吃完了,晚餐在幼稚園吃了,但是到了晚上,爸爸還不回來,我就在櫥櫃的抽屜裡找到了泡麵。可是我想到爸爸說不能亂動瓦斯爐, 所以我就打開洗澡的水龍頭,用熱水泡了泡麵,一個自己吃,另一個想留給爸爸吃。因為怕泡麵涼掉,所以我就把它放在棉被裡,等你回來。可是因為我正在玩向朋友借來的玩具,所以忘了跟爸爸講。」






我很想念你!媽媽,今天在幼稚園有才藝表演,但是因 為我沒有媽媽,所以沒有去參加,我也沒有告訴爸爸,怕爸爸會想念媽媽。爸爸到處去找我,但我為了讓爸爸 看到我很開心的樣子,所以故意坐在電動玩具面前,雖然爸爸罵我,但是我到最後也沒有告訴他原因。媽媽,我每天都看到爸爸因為想念媽媽而哭泣,我想爸爸也跟我一樣,很想念媽媽吧!但是,媽,我現在已經記不清楚你的臉。媽媽,請你讓我在夢中,再一次能夠看到你的臉,好嗎?聽說把想念的人的照片放在懷裡睡覺,就會夢到那個人。可是,媽媽,為什麼你沒有出現在我的夢裡呢?」

讀完這封信以後,我就開始嚎啕大哭。到底什麼時候, 我才能填補妻子的空位呢?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Interesting Article

Just discovered this article in a friend blog and copy it to share with you all..

Although this was written 2years back, but still, u can feel that it happen around us everyday..

Is that mean that Malaysia Govt still the same back then??

They never improve??

WTF.. with the all money wasted, Malaysian get nothing..

Only those special treated human being get it all!! wtf..

People money should goes to people..

In this 2 years the changes is there..with the political tsunami on 308..

However for the past 8 months i could not sense any changes promised by both govt n opposition

What they do in the parliament??

Fight like cat n dog, like immature children, like adult playground!

Izzit after a person grown up/old it is bad to fight at outside world therefore u fight to become
MP to fight in Parliament??!wtf...

Is is so call the Noble Battle?? Battle in the most nobel place in our country..

And the opposition..what the hell are you doing??

Don't like the person speaking.. let's go out! Is that a MP attitute??

showing u unsatisfactory by walking away?? Such a Coward!!


While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry
Michael Backman
November 15, 2006

MALAYSIA'S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the economy each of its two main races — the Malays and the Chinese — owns. It's an argument that's been running for 40 years. That wealth and race are not synonymous is important for national cohesion, but really it's time Malaysia grew up.

It's a tough world out there and there can be little sympathy for a country that prefers to argue about how to divide wealth rather than get on with the job of creating it.

The long-held aim is for 30 per cent of corporate equity to be in Malay hands, but the figure that the Government uses to justify handing over huge swathes of public companies to Malays but not to other races is absurd. It bases its figure on equity valued, not at market value, but at par value.

Many shares have a par value of say $1 but a market value of $12. And so the Government figure (18.9 per cent is the most recent figure) is a gross underestimate. Last month a paper by a researcher at a local think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock prices. All hell broke loose. The paper was withdrawn and the researcher resigned in protest. Part of the problem is that he is Chinese.

"Malaysia boleh!" is Malaysia's national catch cry. It translates to "Malaysia can!" and Malaysia certainly can. Few countries are as good at wasting money. It is richly endowed with natural resources and the national obsession seems to be to extract these, sell them off and then collectively spray the proceeds up against the wall.

This all happens in the context of Malaysia's grossly inflated sense of its place in the world.

Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime minister or capital city.

As if to make this point, a recent episode of The Simpsons features a newsreader trying to announce that a tidal wave had hit some place called Kuala Lumpur. He couldn't pronounce the city's name and so made up one, as if no-one cared anyway. But the joke was on the script writers — Kuala Lumpur is inland.

Petronas, the national oil company is well run, particularly when compared to the disaster that passes for a national oil company in neighbouring Indonesia. But in some respects, this is Malaysia's problem. The very success of Petronas means that it is used to underwrite all manner of excess.

The KLCC development in central Kuala Lumpur is an example. It includes the Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world when they were built, which was their point.

It certainly wasn't that there was an office shortage in Kuala Lumpur — there wasn't.

Malaysians are very proud of these towers. Goodness knows why. They had little to do with them. The money for them came out of the ground and the engineering was contracted out to South Korean companies.

They don't even run the shopping centre that's beneath them. That's handled by Australia's Westfield.

Next year, a Malaysian astronaut will go into space aboard a Russian rocket — the first Malay in space. And the cost? $RM95 million ($A34.3 million), to be footed by Malaysian taxpayers. The Science and Technology Minister has said that a moon landing in 2020 is the next target, aboard a US flight. There's no indication of what the Americans will charge for this, assuming there's even a chance that they will consider it. But what is Malaysia getting by using the space programs of others as a taxi service? There are no obvious technical benefits, but no doubt Malaysians will be told once again, that they are "boleh". The trouble is, they're not. It's not their space program.

Back in July, the Government announced that it would spend $RM490 million on a sports complex near the London Olympics site so that Malaysian athletes can train there and "get used to cold weather".

But the summer Olympics are held in the summer.

So what is the complex's real purpose? The dozens of goodwill missions by ministers and bureaucrats to London to check on the centre's construction and then on the athletes while they train might provide a clue.

Bank bale outs, a formula one racing track, an entire new capital city — Petronas has paid for them all. It's been an orgy of nonsense that Malaysia can ill afford.
Why? Because Malaysia's oil will run out in about 19 years. As it is, Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2011 — that's just five years away.

So it's in this context that the latest debate about race and wealth is so sad.
It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil. But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous statistics.

That's not Malaysia "boleh", that's Malaysia "bodoh" (stupid).

Couldn't agree more with some of the facts conveyed.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Treat to Cake Lovers!!!

To all Secret Recipe Lovers out there..
I know it s an uncountable numbers of who cant live without cake..
Read this post carefully.. this is for you !!

Secret Recipe- BUY one Free one!!!
Secret Recipe蛋糕买一送一!!!

1. Promotion starts from 11.00 am and valid while stocks last for the day.
2. Buy 1 Free 1 applicable to cakes available in promo selection only.
3. No pre-order, pre-payment or phone orders will be accepted for the promotion.
4. Promotion is limited to ONE CAKE PURCHASE / TRANSACTION per customer in queue only.
5. Not applicable with any other card privileges / promotions / discounts.
6. Customer MUST QUEUE to be entitled for the promotion.
7. There will also be an option available for a FREE Whole Cake Voucher in replacement of the FREE Whole Cake.

So, 11/11/2008 11am.. make sure remember to get 2 Cakes with the price of one!!
whoever cant finish the cake can send it to me.. im willing to help you to settle it!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wish List

For those who plan to give me a gift.. for what ever reason..
even without any reason.. here is my wish list.....

I wanna a Digital SLR Camera...

A Digital SLR Nikon D40x/D40i is more than enough for me.


~*am i going to be as handsome as him holding the camera??
nobody know until i get the camera...so please fulfill my wish ya!!

I don't mind if i cant be as handsome as him with the camera..
but im sure i ll take a photo of you that as handsome as him!!hehe..
And for girl as pretty as her..


however if u're in tight budget.. a Nikon D40 (photo below) which is cheaper i also will accept it..hehe..


This is just one the item in the list.. Anyone who willing to fulfill it??


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